
Andrew Tarusov's Kinky Cards Pre-Order Store

Created by Andrew Tarusov

Missed out on the Kickstarter? You can get in on the pre-order action and be an early recipient of Andrew Tarusov's Kinky Playing Cards.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Are Going Out
13 days ago – Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 05:47:57 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Survey's Due Out This Week
20 days ago – Mon, Oct 07, 2024 at 07:41:16 AM

Hi Backers.

We have a very quick update for you this week...

We're getting questions on when the surveys and Backerkit pre-orders will be up. We're working on that. Last time we launched Backerkit we made a huge mistake with not getting everything synced, so we're making extra sure it all is correct this time. As soon as the Backerkit Team confirms we're good to go, we'll send those out.

Expect some artwork previews, news, and more in next week's update!

Thank you.
The Project-Nerd Team

Congratulations Andrew!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 06:45:04 AM

Great news all around in this week's update...

Andrew Got Married!

That's right, Andrew Tarusov is now Mr. Andrew Tarusov as he tied the knot on Friday. We're so excited for Andrew and wish him all the best on this big adventure.

We Got the Money

Kickstarter relinquished the funds last week. This was longer than normal, maybe due to the new late pledge feature, but we have the payments that made it through none-the-less. That means we're finalizing details for the printers and you'll soon see Backerkit Surveys go out.

We also got questions about payments that didn't go through and how they could re-back. Check out the Late Pledge feature here, and if that's not working, we'll have pre-orders available in Backerkit when that launches.

Late Pledges Closing Soon

When we launch Backerkit, we'll be closing up the Late Pledge feature in order to start getting better counts. If you know somebody who wants to get in on these Kinky Cards, let them know there is still time.

Project-Nerd Has a Comic Book

Hey, we launched a comic book right here on Kickstarter and we need your help! Check out The Four, an action-packed comic book with fantastic artwork and a thrilling story. There are plenty of pledge levels at great price points you'll find enjoyable. Plus, if you have backed both Kinky Cards and The Four, we'll throw in an extra Tarusov art print when we ship out your copy of The Four!


Thank you all for supporting independent projects, and send your love and good wishes to Andrew and his beautiful bride.

Thanks for your time and your pledges!
The Project-Nerd Team

Post Campaign FAQ Answers
about 2 months ago – Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 08:16:19 AM

Hey All.

The Project-Nerd Team here for a quick post campaign set of updates. Here's a general response to some questions we've received.

FAQ 1. What's the status?

The status is, we're still waiting. Kickstarter has not released the funds yet, so we can't really do anything until the platform completes that step. As soon as KS gives us the money we'll start ordering goods from the manufacturers and printers. Expect to see initial surveys (from BackerKit) go out shortly after that begins and further updates on timeline once we get into that phase.

FAQ 2.  What are the options on changing pledges and add-ons?

Once the campaign is complete and you've been charged by Kickstarter, you can no longer change your pledge. However, if you want to add items to your order, you have the option to add a late pledge on Kickstarter right now and add-ons will be available in Backerkit when surveys go out.

FAQ 3.  Can we have more info on quality and difference in the decks?

The quality of the card decks will be better than the previous campaign, we promise that. These will also be cards you can play with too.

We're working with the printer on the details and quality of the trading cards, and expect those to be high quality as well. One thing Andrew is insisting from the printer is that we have these trading card packs packaged up in cool packaging, so we'll update as that gets sorted.

The difference in the two decks are the artwork and the finish. The artwork in the Standard Deck is the original artwork, with some touch-ups and updates. The artwork in the Luxury Deck will be different and will feature a holographic or foil finish.

FAQ 4.  When will I get my perks and add-ons?

This is very dependent on Kickstarter completing their steps. We can't give a fair estimated date yet until we have paid the printers and they have told us they are heading to production. We will update once we have that information - we promise! As with the other campaigns Andrew and Project-Nerd have worked on together, we promise to keep you informed and up-to-date as well as we will work to get you the goods as soon as we can.

What if I still have a question?

You can reply to this update, message Andrew or us (Project-Nerd), or send an email to info(at)

Remember, Andrew Tarusov is the artist and owner of these awesome design and products and Project-Nerd is handling fulfillment. So if you have questions about the art, Andrew's art in general, other campaigns, and so forth, please reach out to Andrew. If you have questions about fulfillment and rewards for this campaign please reach out to Project-Nerd.

Thanks for supporting independent creators!

We're Funded & Ready For Next Steps
about 2 months ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 09:01:46 AM

Hey Kinky Backers!

Thank you so much for helping not just push this project over the top, but pushing it to a level we hadn't anticipated. You all made this project super successful.

We're here. Funded. Waiting for next steps. So we want to provide an update with all you need to know for going forward.

What happens next?

We're in the window where we wait on Kickstarter to do their thing. For the backers, your cards have been charged or they are attempting to charge them. For us, we're waiting on funds to come through as we finalize details with vendors and are setting up Backerkit for surveys and add-ons.

What stretch goals did we hit and what exactly do you get?

We hit all the stretch goals! Every backer gets the newest add-on, the Digital Art Book featuring all the art from the Kinky Cards deck. Backers of physical perks get the 55-Bonus Card and the Signature Card per deck, three random Kinky Trading Cards and a single Limited Edition (only printed for this campaign) Trading Card. Andrew will start providing details on those Trading Cards soon and will setup a community for people to collect, share, and trade.

When will surveys go out?

Expect initial surveys to go out in October. This will get your address info, have you confirm what perks and add-ons you get, and then allow you to add additional items. Surveys will be locked once the printer starts printing.

Can you still buy more?

Yes. Andrew has turned on a new Kickstarter feature that allows "Late Pledges" here as well as we'll include add-ons in your Backerkit Survey. By special request, even if you backed with no perks, you'll have the option to add-on physical goods at that time too.

When do you get the goods?

This will be heavily dependent on printer and freight. We're printing the cards in Poland, the Stickers and Post Cards in Poland and the US, and then we are shipping from a couple locations. For the most part, the Kinky Card designs are set, minus some tweaks. Andrew is still working on the Trading Card designs, but will wrap those soon. We hope to have goods to you as soon as we can and will update once the printer provides the timeline.

What about other questions?

Feel free to reply here with any questions and stay tuned for future updates. We'll have more updates for you in the coming weeks with Trading Card details, Digital Book updates, and printing and shipping timelines.

Thanks for being awesome and supporting independent art and creators!